A Call for Information about Long Term Care for Older People in care homes and other kinds of supported accommodation in the UK

If you are supplying information about more than one project, part II of this form will automatically replicate itself.

Part I - Person supplying the information.

Name of Institution (including department if appropriate):
Contact Person:
Email Address:
Web Site (URL):

Part II - Project details

If you are providing information about more than one project, Part II of this form will automatically be replicated for each additional project.
Name of the project or service:
Approach adopted: (if applicable)
Organisation running the project
Location and area covered:
Contact person at the project / service
Telephone number:
Web address (if applicable):
Please provide a short description of the project or service (including numbers of people involved if possible):
Who is it for / who are the beneficiaries? (including numbers of people involved if possible) :
What do you feel makes this project or service different to others which provide long term care for older people? What's special about it?:
Please provide information (or give examples) of how you feel this project / service improves or facilitates choice and control for older people:
How do you know that the project or service demonstrates good practice? eg. feedback, evaluation:
Please provide any other information on the project or service which you feel may be relevant:
Do you want to submit details of further projects? Yes No