NHS Connecting for Health -
A National Framework For Electronic SAP Implementation
Project OutlineUpdate - August 2006
Background and Project Outline
There is a range of paces and approaches to implementing electronic SAP across the country, risking duplication of effort and providing a disjointed service.

NHS Connecting for Health and the Electronic Social Care Records Implementation Board jointly oversee this project which is tasked to develop a consistent national framework, for eSAP specifically and for information exchange generally. When complete, implementation plans can then be agreed and resource implications identified at both national and local levels.

The project will take account of plans in the recent White Paper 'Our Health, Our Care, Our Say' to extend SAP into a Common Assessment Framework for adults, requiring the NHS and Local Authorities to be able to support integrated multi-agency working across all client groups.
A consultation and survey were carried out in May and June 2006

Update on National e-SAP Project - August 2006
An update has been produced on the national e-SAP project covering the outcome of the first stage and plans for the next stage, which has recently been given the go-ahead by the NHS Connecting for Health Programme Board. Copies of the update and a summary of the recommendations made in the first stage of the project are available on this site.

The project team wants to thank all those who kindly participated in the first stage of the project through responding to the on-line questionnaires and in workshops and other events. The views have been very valuable in shaping the recommendations.

The next stage of the project involves the development of an implementation plan and business case for e-SAP. If you have produced an e-SAP business case or an evaluation of benefits which you would be willing to share with the project team, they would be very pleased to hear from you. Any material provided will be non-attributable and will only be used to provide material for the business case.
Further Information & Contacts
For more information please contact Jan Hoogewerf, Project Director, (jan.hoogewerf@porticoconsulting.co.uk).

Project documents are available on the LH panel of this page and, also, on the NHS CFH web-site (www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/crdb/sap
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