Centre for Policy on Ageing


Just like the country
 — memories of London families who settled the new cottage estates 1919 - 1939
Author(s)Antonia Rubinstein, Andy Andrews, Pam Schweitzer
PublisherAge Exchange, London, 1991
Pages96 pp
SourceAge Exchange, The Reminiscence Centre, 11 Blackheath Village, London SE3 9LA
KeywordsMemory and Reminiscence ; Local history ; London.
AnnotationPresents the reminiscences of older Londoners who moved from the inner-city slum dwellings to the "cottage estates" built by the London County Council between 1919 and 1939.
Accession NumberCPA-910612020
ClassmarkDB: HLM: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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