Centre for Policy on Ageing


Evidence to the Inquiry on Provision for Retirement
Corporate AuthorAge Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England, Mitcham, 1984
Pages32 pp + appendices
KeywordsPensions ; Income [older people] ; Poverty ; Social policy ; Comments or Evidence submitted.
AnnotationAge Concern England (ACE) maintains that the state pension must remain the cornerstone of income in retirement, and that the level of that pension is too low. As it exists, the state earnings related pension (SERPS) is likely to lead to problems for those on low wages or with incomplete contributions records. The major challenge is to raise the income of existing pensioners so that they can participate in the social life of the community. ACE provides evidence concerning: the costs of pensions; the contributory principle; the level of pensions; poverty on a pension; SERPS and the basic pension; crediting in; the pension poverty trap; women and pensions; occupational pensions; and the balance between services and income. Appendices comprise ACE's evidence to: the House of Commons Social Services Committee in session 1981/82 on the age of retirement; the Pension Inquiry on Personal Portable Pensions; and the Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS) on early leavers pensions. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-930727061 B
ClassmarkJJ: JF: W6: TM2: 6PM

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