publications catalogue

Citizenship and Culture - Living in Britain - Growing Old in Britain
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Supported by the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
ISBN 9781901097061
297 x 210mm 84pp
CPA Report 22
Living in Britain - Growing Old in Britain: A Study of Bangladeshi Elders in London
Tarek Qureshi

Bangladeshis have made their home in Camden since the 1960s and now form the single largest minority ethnic group in the borough. This study focuses on the lives and everyday experiences of older Bangladeshis with regard to education, language and literacy, religion, family structure, employment, housing and health, civic participation, intergenerational relations, racism, elder abuse, and social isolation.

Listening to the elders, a picture emerges of the complexity and diversity of experience within the Bangladeshi community itself. The report outlines a number of strategies that could be developed to improve the quality of the elders' lives, combat the social isolation encountered and recognise and value their experience and skills.


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